It is often possible to get a tax filing extension. Federal taxes are due to the IRS by April 18th of each year, unless the IRS changes this date. In some cases, you may find it difficult to file your tax return by this time. This is when you will need to request an extension. Do not just turn in your return late, this will cause extra penalties and interest. Don’t avoid filing. Instead, just ask for an extension.
However, filing an extension is not as simple as it sounds. When you file an extension, you are only pushing back the due date for the tax return itself. If you owe the IRS money, you are still required to pay this at the time of filing an extension. You will need to estimate the amount you owe to the IRS at the time of filing for the extension. This can be a difficult process since you haven’t completed the necessary tax return yet. The payment of your taxes owed is still due by April 18th, or the tax filing deadline.